Is Baby Brain A Real Thing?

Is Baby Brain A Real Thing?Have you ever used the “baby brain” excuse, or heard somebody else blame their terrible memory on being a new parent? It’s a common belief that once you have a baby, something switches in your brain and you start to become more forgetful. However, look it up and you’ll find plenty of contradicting studies. Some claim baby brain is real, while others claim it’s a complete myth.

So what’s the truth, and could it all just be in the mind?

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Dealing With Toddler Biting And Hitting

Dealing With Toddler Biting And HittingToddlers are renowned for their tantrums, but one thing you aren’t always warned about is the potential for these tantrums to become physical. It’s not just shouting and crying you may have to deal with – biting and hitting can also become a common problem. This can be aimed at you, or other children. Either way it can be distressing and it can be difficult to know how to approach the issue.

Here you’ll find out everything you need to know about why toddlers develop a biting and hitting habit and importantly, what can be done to stop it.

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10 Incredible Baby Facts You May Not Know – Part One

When you give birth and you’re presented with a beautiful little newborn, you already know that they’re amazing! The whole process of creating and giving birth to a baby is a miracle; often leaving you in awe of how you created something so precious. However, there are so many fascinating things you don’t know about your little one.

You often see babies as being completely incapable of doing anything for themselves, when in reality they are born with a wide skill set. It’s impressive what skills and instincts your baby actually has the minute they enter the world. Here in this two-part special, you’ll discover 10 of the most awesome facts about babies which make you realize just how truly amazing they actually are.

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10 Toddler Parenting Hacks You’ll Want To Know

10 Toddler Parenting Hacks You'll Want To KnowParenthood is a journey, full of joy, fear, worry and stress. As soon as you give birth, life as you know it changes forever. From then on, you face all kinds of challenges that can be difficult to overcome. While every parenting stage is difficult, the toddler years present some of the biggest challenges you’ll ever face!

Raising a toddler is hard work, but there are a few tips that can make your life a lot easier. Many parents turn to the internet to share their valuable advice on parenting a toddler, including ingenious hacks to save your sanity.

Here you’ll discover 10 of the best toddler parenting hacks you absolutely need in your life!

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Baby Talk – Does Your Tone of Voice Determine Baby’s Development?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why the minute you go to talk to a baby, your voice does the familiar high-pitched, sing-song tone? Commonly referred to as “baby talk”, the assumption is typically because we find newborns cute. In the same way your voice changes when you talk to puppies or kittens, it’s just something which happens that you don’t tend to question.

However, experts claim there’s more behind the natural baby talk tone than you might think. In fact, it’s said that it could really help your little one develop speech recognition at an earlier age. So is this true or is baby talk actually damaging your child’s development?

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How To Use Your Hormones To Become A Happier, Better Parent

How To Use Your Hormones To Become A Better, Happier ParentHave you ever wondered why some people appear to be much happier with parenting than others? Well, according to science, it could be down to hormones.
Research carried out over the past decade, has shown that Oxytocin has a direct impact on how you feel and respond to your little one. So how exactly does it affect your parenting skills and is it possible to manipulate your Oxytocin levels to become a happier, better parent?

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5 Common Breastfeeding Problems You Should Expect

Breastfeeding is considered one of the most natural things in the world, yet as many new mothers discover, it’s not always as easy as it seems.

There are a surprising number of difficulties you can face when it comes to breastfeeding your little one. It’s a completely new process for both you and your baby, so it can take a little time to get used to. So, if you’re struggling to breastfeed your new-born, don’t worry – It’s not because you’re bad at parenthood! It’s actually a lot more common to have breastfeeding problems than it is for it to go smoothly. Here you’ll discover 5 of the most common breastfeeding problems and how to solve them.

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Chickenpox – Everything You Need To Know

Chickenpox is a very common disease that typically affects children under the age of 10. Many children will catch it at some point, but that doesn’t stop you from worrying when you wake up one day to find your little one covered in nasty looking spots!

In order to deal with the condition as quickly and effectively as possible, it helps to have a good understanding of what it is, the symptoms to look out for and the treatment options available. Here you’ll discover everything you need to know about chickenpox and what to do if you suspect your little one has it.

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20 Essential Tips For First Time Parents

first time parent tipsBeing a first-time parent can be terrifying. From the minute you discover you’re pregnant, to the minute you take your little bundle of joy home, fear has a tendency to creep in and fill your head with doubt. It’s a massive responsibility taking care of such a fragile little human. As a parent you have an overwhelming urge to protect them as you see for the first time just how scary the world can be.

With every milestone comes a fresh wave of worry. So how can you stop this and just enjoy being a new parent? The truth is, you can’t. Part of being a new parent is worrying about what could happen. It’s completely natural and all part and parcel of being a parent.

However, the good news is women have been having babies for centuries. That means, there’s a lot of advice out there that can really help to make being a first-time parent a lot less terrifying. Here you’ll discover 20 essential tips that will help you survive the first year of parenthood…

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10 Diaper Hacks You Need In Your Life

There are a lot of amazing, beautiful things about parenthood, but diaper changing isn’t one of them! In fact, it can be one of the most disgusting, nausea-inducing things you’ve ever done. However, it’s not the actual sight of the dirty diaper that makes it so unpleasant. What should be a simple enough task can actually turn out to be extremely challenging!

To make this essential, yet unpleasant task a little more bearable, here you’ll discover 10 fantastic diaper changing hacks that can help.

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