Why Do My Baby’s Hands And Feet Feel So Warm?

Why Do My Baby's Hands And Feet Feel So Warm?

When we become parents, every little thing starts to matter a lot – especially when it concerns our baby’s health. So while you play with those tiny fingers and toes, it may seem concerning if they suddenly start to feel warm. But is it something you should be concerned about? Let’s talk about what it means when your baby’s hands or feet are warm / hot to the touch.

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Morning Sickness: Tips, Remedies, And What To Expect

Morning Sickness: Tips, Remedies, And What To Expect

Morning sickness, otherwise known as nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, is a common early sign of pregnancy. Is this something that you should worry about? Let’s know more about morning sickness including its causes, symptoms, relief and when will it need treatment.

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Breastfeeding With Thrush: Everything You Need To Know

Breastfeeding With Thrush: Everything You Need To Know

Thrush is a fungal infection that can infect both the breastfeeding mother and her baby. It is already known that with thrush breastfeeding can be affected due to the discomfort that it may bring, but a lot of mothers worry if they can continue nursing while they are having this condition. So for mothers who have the same concern, here are some essential things to know and consider about thrush and breastfeeding.

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Is It Safe To Breastfeed With Herpes?

Is It Safe To Breastfeed With Herpes?

Herpes is an infectious disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. It can either be manifested as cold sores in the mouth (herpes simplex 1) or as genital sores (herpes simplex 2). Herpes is highly contagious and can be life-threatening to young infants. This is why breastfeeding mothers with herpes need to be extra careful while nursing and taking care of their infants. This article contains the information on herpes and breastfeeding.

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Q&A: COVID-19, And Your Baby

Coronavirus And Babies

A new strain of coronavirus is taking its toll on families across the world. Knowing the overwhelming effects on this virus, many parents can’t help but be worried about their babies’ health. So how can you protect your baby from coronavirus?

Let’s learn a bit more about this disease-causing microorganism to find ways on protecting your whole family from its dreaded effects.

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Cleaning A Newborn Baby’s Ears – A Complete Guide For New Parents

Bringing a newborn baby home is a joyous occasion – but nothing causes more anxiety than cleaning a newborn’s small, sensitive ears for the first time! Read on for tips, do’s and don’ts for cleaning your newborn’s ears.

As unique as parenting is for all moms and dads, many new parents still often share the same experiences. From the pains of labor to the joy of holding their baby for the first time, parenthood does feel like being part of an exclusive club.

And speaking of which…

There are so many new and amazing firsts that you can enjoy now that you’re certified new parent and we’re here to help make the journey easier for you – especially when it comes to cleaning your newborn’s tiny and delicate parts.

One thing that new parents commonly agree on is the anxiety-causing thought of bathing and cleaning their newborn baby for the first time at home and usually without any assistance from anyone more experienced.

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What Cold Medicines Can I Take While Breastfeeding?

What Cold Medicines Can I Take While Breastfeeding

This was a reader-submitted question. To have your question answered for free, read through this post to the end!

The common cold has gotten its name for a reason! This viral infection can hit anyone at any time and there is no exemption, even if you’re breastfeeding. Cold symptoms are often mild and respond quickly to over-the-counter medications. This may sound pretty simple but if you’re currently nursing, you can’t help but wonder, “Is cold medicine safe for breastfeeding?”

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Why Is My Baby’s Head Sweating So Much?

Why Is My Baby's Head Sweating So Much?

This was a reader-submitted question. To have your question answered for free, read through this post to the end!

Sweating is something that we normally encounter every day, but when it comes to our babies, nothing is too little to be concerned about. As a parent, you can’t help but feel worried and curious about why your baby is sweating a lot, especially when it involves your baby’s head.

Do you want to know more about baby head sweating? Here’s some useful information for you to ponder.

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8 Incredible Benefits Of Baby And Infant Massage

8 Incredible Benefits Of Baby And Infant MassageA time-honored childcare practice in many cultures around the world, find out how massaging your baby can soothe almost every ill and ache that causes your little one to cry… and help them become healthier and happier.

Let’s start with the all-too-familiar story of two mothers helping soothe their little one’s first bout of colds…

It’s late at night. There’s a mom in America right now, scrolling past Google results on her phone, looking worriedly at her baby finally asleep after a full 5 hours of on and off crying and general fussiness, her baby’s tiny nose all red and stuffed up and chubby cheeks flushed pink as she is experiencing her first bout of colds.

She might find a hundred different results online telling her what to do, what not to do, when to worry and when to take her baby to the doctor. She’ll find a few bits and pieces of advice that are helpful and maybe an article or two that will tell her how to deal with her sick baby but it still doesn’t completely ease her worries. She sees an article on baby massages but she’s not so sure. She’s never done it before. Something about essential oils, too? She checks out a few more articles until she feels very drowsy.

“I’ll take her to the doctor tomorrow,” will be her last thought as she drifts off to sleep, well aware that she’ll be up again in a few hours.

Meanwhile in another part of the world:

The sun just rose in Southeast Asia. Somewhere in a quiet, rural town, there’s another young mother whose baby is also having the sniffles for the first time in his young life. She is calmly preparing for a quick morning massage session for her baby which she learned from her mother. The baby, also quite fussy, is in the crib fresh from a warm bath.

Wrapped up in a towel, she carries him to the bed where she gently massages the baby’s chest area, front and back in gentle, rotating motions with a bit of home-made massage oil while softly humming a lullaby. She concludes her baby’s massage with some quick strokes at the forehead and towards the nostrils.

Her baby, now visibly calmer, is ready and relaxed for his morning nap. Although she openly embraces the traditional ways of soothing her baby, she also knows that her baby may need to be taken to the doctor if the colds persist. She’ll wait and see in two to three days. For the moment, her baby is calm and feeling better; that is what’s most important. She herself grew up being given regular massages. Massages, as far she has known, were weaved into the fabric of her everyday life.

The two moms discussed above are from different parts of the globe, both worried about their baby’s first colds and both doing the very best they can to soothe their little ones. One is not better than the other, of course. Both are simply finding ways to make their babies feel better based on what they know.

Their stories simply illustrate that while Western parents do not tend to instinctually look to baby massages as a way to soothe their baby through common illnesses, baby massages are often practiced by mothers in other parts of the world taught to them by their mothers and grandmothers before them.

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