Neonatal Jaundice: Everything You Need To Know

Neonatal Jaundice: Everything You Need To Know

Did you know that almost 60 percent of all newborn babies develop jaundice?

Jaundice is one of the common symptoms to watch out for after giving birth to an infant. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines neonatal jaundice as the yellowish discoloration seen in the skin of neonates or newborn babies. Jaundice can also be noticed on the white portion (sclera) of the eye, and the yellow color usually starts from the face and spreads in the baby’s body through a downward direction. The discoloration peaks at around 3 to 5 days after birth.

Jaundice is not a disease but is a manifestation of a condition called hyperbilirubinemia. If left untreated, this condition can lead to a serious complication in the brain termed kernicterus, which can further lead to debilitating effects in the baby’s visual, auditory and intellectual development.

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Does Your Baby Have Acid Reflux? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Does Your Baby Have Acid Reflux? Here’s Everything You Need To KnowIf your little one has been diagnosed with acid reflux, or you’re concerned they may have the condition, it can be pretty worrying. Obviously, as a parent, all you want is for your child to be happy and healthy. So, when something’s wrong, you instantly want to fix it.

Here, you’ll discover everything you need to know about acid reflux in infants. From what it is to how it can be treated – it really doesn’t have to be as scary as you might think.

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Protect Your Kids From These Common Respiratory Illnesses This Winter

Protect Your Kids From These Common Respiratory Illnesses This WinterHave you ever noticed that young children often sneeze and cough during the winter months? Even adults may frequently experience these symptoms when the weather shifts to the cold season. Though quite common, these can actually be early signs of some serious respiratory illnesses which may put our young children, most especially babies, at risk.

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Everything You Need To Know About Molluscum Contagiosum (Water Warts)

Everything You Need To Know About Molluscum Contagiosum (Water Warts)Children have an uncanny ability to pick up all kinds of illnesses and conditions. You’ve probably already lost count of the number of colds your little one has managed to pick up! Frequent illness is something you come to expect as a parent, but some health issues can be a little more worrying than others; particularly if you know very little about them.  

One common condition which can sound pretty scary, is Molluscum Contagiosum. If your baby or toddler has been diagnosed, or it’s been mentioned to you by a friend or relative that they may have the condition, you’re likely to be understandably concerned. To ease those concerns, here you’ll discover everything you need to know about Molluscum Contagiosum, also known as water warts.

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Identifying Early Signs Of Autism In Babies And Toddlers

Identifying Early Signs Of Autism In Babies And ToddlersAre you worried your little one may have Autism? While doctors have become much better at recognizing and treating the disorder, diagnosing the condition can be difficult before a child is four years old. This is because the behavior and symptoms linked with Autism are also often present in children who don’t have the disorder.

As a parent, it’s easier for you to recognize when something is wrong. Although it is difficult to diagnose Autism there are some signs you can watch out for, even as early as the baby stage. Here, you’ll discover how to identify the early signs of Autism to ensure if your little one does have it, they can get the treatment they need as quickly as possible. Of course, it’s always recommended to verify your concerns with a doctor before jumping to any conclusions.

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Everything You Need To Know About German Measles (Rubella)

Everything You Need To Know About German MeaslesPrior to 1969, German Measles, also known as Rubella, was a common, contagious disease which quickly spread amongst pre-school and elementary school children. However, since a vaccine was released in 1969, the condition has become pretty rare in the US.

Most commonly, it affects young adults and children who have not received the German Measles vaccine. Those in confined spaces such as schools and military bases, tend to be at an increased risk of developing the condition.

So, what exactly is German Measles and what symptoms should you look out for? Find out everything you need to know below.

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Ingrown Toenails In Toddlers: Everything You Need To Know

Ingrown Toenails In Toddlers: Everything You Need To KnowHas your toddler been complaining that their foot hurts? If so, it could be a sign of an ingrown toenail.

Ingrown toenails are most commonly associated with adults, but it’s actually a really common nail issue for toddlers and babies, too.

Here, you’ll discover everything you need to know about this common problem, from what it is, to how it can be prevented and treated.

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Honey: Why Is It So Bad For Babies?

Honey: Why Is It So Bad For Babies?When it comes to introducing a solid diet to your little one, there’s certain foods you’re told to stay clear of. This is because, young babies have a lower immune system, as well as a more sensitive digestive system. There’s a number of foods which should be avoided, but honey is by far one of the most potentially harmful foods you can feed your infant.

So, why is honey bad for baby and what harm could it really do?

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Everything You Need To Know About Baby Sunscreen

Everything You Need To Know About Baby SunscreenIf you’re looking to keep baby safe this summer, protecting them against the sun’s harsh rays is one of the most important things you’ll need to focus on. Baby’s skin is ultra-sensitive and therefore a lot more prone to serious burns. Studies have shown that children who suffer serious burns are at an increased risk of developing melanoma, or skin cancer, later on in life.

But is protecting baby’s skin as simple as just applying sunscreen? Can babies even wear sunscreen? Below, you’ll discover everything you need to know.

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Everything You Need To Know About Baby Eczema

Everything You Need To Know About Baby EczemaHave you started to notice a small rash on baby’s skin? If so, it could be a sign of eczema.

Eczema in babies is actually pretty common. It’s estimated around 20% of infants and toddlers develop the condition, with around 65% developing it within their first year. Usually, the condition will disappear on its own eventually, but it can cause discomfort for baby and a lot of worry for you!

So, what exactly is baby eczema and does it need to be treated? Below you’ll discover everything you need to know.

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